McCormick & Priore, P.C. is a defense litigation firm known for having the intensity and integrity to go beyond expectations – something we call “outperformance.” This includes being large enough to provide the in-depth legal expertise and support our clients need and focused enough to provide the individualized attention successful litigation requires.
Equal parts honesty, trustworthiness, dedication and professionalism, integrity is the quality we value most. When a law firm prizes integrity as highly as we do, it attracts attorneys that are not only intensely professional but also straightforward, honest, and as dedicated to their clients as they are to the law. As a result, we are sought after for a broad range of defense litigation, and also for forward-looking counsel, helping clients anticipate and pre-emptively resolve potential legal issues.
Since our founding in 1994, we have represented the interests of clients in a wide range of industries, offering particular expertise in defense litigation for insurance-related companies as well as manufacturers. We serve a wide range of clients, from multinational corporations to mid-size companies as well as individuals. Our attorneys are experienced at the trial and appellate levels of both state and federal court, and our firm is committed to the on-going support and education of our clients.
Our intensity in pursuing winning outcomes, plus our reputation for dealing with integrity, has attracted the highest-caliber clients across the nation.
Expect more from McCormick & Priore, P.C. in expertise and responsiveness.
Modern Problems & Modern Solutions
Solution to Epidemic of “Sudden Shifting” Ladders in New York is “Bolt them To the Floor” As the immortal Dave Chapelle once said, “modern problems require modern solutions.” In a recent case, the First Department reminds us that ladders can’t suddenly shift if...
Nailed It, Part II
Camouflaged Nail Trips Up Plaintiff Resulting in Summary Judgment on Labor Law § 241(6) Claim Camouflage in nature is a defense mechanism used mainly to hide. On a construction site, it’s used to help plaintiffs with their Labor Law § 241(6) claims. In Gervasi v....
Labor Law Adjacent
Failure to Plead Homeowners’ Exception to Labor Law §§ 200 & 241(6) Keeps Plaintiff from Tour of Domicile Usually, we cover decisions relating directly to the Labor Law. However, a recent Second Department case gives us a look into a discovery dispute that arose...